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Head Start / State Preschool

Head Start/State Preschool: Community Services Bureau (CSB) has 13 directly operated licensed childcare centers and an additional 20 through community partnerships, all offering part-day, full-day and distance learning for infants, toddlers and preschoolers throughout the county.

Licensed Family Child Care Homes: Providers may care for babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children in their homes. Family childcare providers offer planned play and scheduled activities that help children learn.


Home Visiting Programs: Early Head Start home visiting services are available for families right in the comfort of their own home. Home visitors come once a week to offer learning activities for parents and their children.


Enrollment/Do I qualify?

There are three different ways to look at eligibility for the Head Start program.

1. Age eligibility: Children who are between birth and five years of age, and are not yet old enough to go to     
    Kindergarten, are age eligible for our program.

2. Income eligibility: We have two different income guidelines we follow for all our programs, which are all based
    on family size:

  • Head Start/Early Head Start Guidelines

  • State Preschool Income Guidelines 

3. Need Eligibility: If you are applying for our full-day, full-year program, parents need to be working, in school or
    training, or incapacitated. Documentation is required for all need requirements.


To apply for our program, you can do any one of the following:

1. Print this Pre-Application Screening form and send it to our program as instructed at the top of the form:
     a. English
     b. Spanish
2. Call our enrollment hotline number (Spanish speaker is available) 925-272-4727

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